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Kaden's Kloset

There is a trailer in the church parking lot that belongs to an organization called Kaden's Kloset. The trailer is a holding vessel for people to either donate or to use if in need for foster kids - both young children and teenagers. If you are in need or want to donate please call Kristle Davis at 816.812.4372. Kristle is the Co-Founder of this organization. Check out their website,, for more information.

Grief Support Group:

“Understanding Grief and Loss” is a 6 week support class for people grieving the death of someone close to them. It is a place where you can be around people who understand how you feel and the pain of your loss. At our meetings you will learn valuable information that will help you through this difficult time in your life.

Our first meeting will be Monday, September 11th from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. at the Hope Reformed Church, 611 4th St. in Parkersburg (use the south basement door). Cheryl Reiher from Cedar Valley Hospice and Jo Schipper will be leading the class. For more information please contact Jo Schipper at 319.346.2831.

Back to Sunday School

We will begin Sunday School for the 2017-2018 school year on September 10th after church with ice cream floats. We will have 3 classes for kids age 3 to 18. There will also be an Adult Sunday School class that will be led by Hal Stahl. Please join us on September 10th to kick off a new Sunday School Year!

FMSC Project

The "Feed My Starving Children" mission project has started. You'll find the M&M containers on the table in the entry. Please pick up an M&M container and enjoy eating the M&Ms! Once the goodies are gone, start filling the container with quarters! Be sure to bring the filled container back to church on or before Sunday, October 1st. We will also be going to fill bags like last year at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Waterloo - watch for the sign-up sheets that will be posted soon.


The school year is kicking off and so is the Aplington area AWANA ministry! The all AWANA staff meeting will be September 6th at 6:30 PM. The AWANA kick-off night for kids and parents/guardians will be Sept. 13th at 6:30 PM with games and registration. The Aplington AWANA is held at the Aplington Baptist Church located at 1003 Nash St. For questions please contact Edith Helmke at 319-231-9102 or Margaret Dix at 319-230-5422.

Annual Bike Ride:

The Fellowship committee has planned the annual bike ride to take place on September 10 at Wilders Park at the east edge of Allison. Riders will leave the church at 3:00 p.m., start their ride at 3:30 p.m. in the park and will eat at 5:30 p.m. Hot dogs will be provided but please bring a side dish. Everyone is welcome.


Pizza and movie night is on Sunday, August 27th! Pizza will be served at 5:30 p.m. and the movie, “Facing the Giants”, will start at 6:00 p.m

Help is Needed Desperately

The Student Connection building needs some repairs that will help us continue to serve the youth of our community. These repairs are above and beyond our regular budget. We are asking for you to prayerfully consider helping us financially with these projects. The total required to complete the necessary work is $4000. Any questions can be directed to Adam Dohrn at 319-404-1582, and any checks can be sent to: Stuco, Box 222, Aplington, IA, 50604. Please write "Building Repairs," in the check memo. Thank you for your consideration.

Enjoy Middle School Kids?

The Student Connection is seeking an adult Christian volunteer to help with our Early Herd Program. Early Herd is Stuco's 6th grade program, and it runs every Wednesday from 3:30-5:30pm during the school year. A volunteer would not have to be present for all two hours of the program. Duties of this position would include: building relationships with young people, helping in the kitchen, assisting with games, and helping keep kids on task during teaching time. If this sounds like something the Lord is calling you to please contact Adam Dohrn at 319-404-1582.

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